It is very essential to choose a right Hotel or Resort in SUNDARBAN. Since the hotels are located in different islands and amenities vary a lot. Some of them have their own jetty for their valuable guests which makes comfortable for children and elderly people to get in to the boats for jungle safari. You need to check all the amenities a hotel will be able to provide like drinking water and food . Secured boats for the journey and proper forest guides for jungle safaris. Different cultural events are organized in the late evenings at the hotels for the guests, since after sunset it is not safe to venture out in some islands.
Some of them are on the banks of the rivers across the Mangrove Forest with splendid view. They have their own jetty for their guests to board and get down comfortably from the boat.
Before you choose a hotel in Sundarban, have a look for the guest reviews and feedback of various HOTELS and RESORTS. The type of cuisine they serve and hygiene they maintain. Location of the resort and access from the river jetty, which is very important since some may be far from the jetty and you need to walk down in the muddy roads in the monsoon. Since the HOTELS and RESORTS are in the islands proper markets or shops are not available. For specific cuisine you need to pre-order prior to your journey. Since the underground water is saline and not consumable, Hotels and Resorts serve treated bottled water available in 20ltrs jars. Sometimes they need to be carried from the mainland. So you need to enquire about the drinking water the Hotels serve at the resort as well as during the safari.